Thursday, May 23, 2013


Confidence is something that we all had as a kid, when given a dare to climb the highest tree in the playground, we just did it because we knew we could without a doubt in our mind. Its also something as an adult most of us desire to have. Somewhere along the road, possibly middle school or high school, our confidence goes awry. We lose a little bit of ourselves. For me, I lost a lot of myself. Since my addiction I have struggled to find that confidence in me. The piece of me that just didn't give a damn what others might think. I wanted to find that and just be me again. I started to find it through running, then a little more through triathlons but it just didn't seem to do the trick. I still felt I wasn't quiet for-filling something.
It wasn't till I found Crossfit that I started to feel that confidence return! Crossfit fills that void.I haven't felt this great about myself in years. In my past my addiction took over me and until I started doing Crossfit I didn't realize how much it still did. Since Crossfit I have been able to focus all that energy I put toward my addiction and focus it on something more worthwhile and healthy. I am finally taking care of ME, and not worrying about whose watching on the outside.
There is always a young lady who runs my neighborhood. She always runs in just her sports bra and shorts. I watch her not with jealousy or envy but with one thought in my head "You go girl, someday I will rock my sports bra attire too".  I NEVER in a million years would go to a gym and just wear a sports bra and shorts, never the less run my neighborhood wearing it. In fact putting on a pair of shorts was often hard for me. I just never felt comfortable. BUT this past week, I didnt think twice about it. I rocked the sports bra without a care in the world. My point is not to say I am flaunting my stuff, my point is that we spend so much of our lives worrying about what others think.  Can you name an entire day or week where someones opinion didnt affect you? Most likely most of you cant. If you can, good for you, you found that confidence that we all seem to lose somewhere along our life path. I can finally say I am almost there. I am back to my childhood, dont give a damn, attitude. Honestly, I like it. I haven't been happier.
So live everyday like the only person to impress is yourself. Be that confident remarkable person you know you are. I found a quote that from here on out I believe we should all live by and I will leave you with it today.....

"If we always care about what others think, we will always be their prisoner"

Yours Truly, Crossfit Confident

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