Thursday, May 30, 2013

My first RX WOD!

Yup thats right, I FINALLY RX'ed a WOD! Not without some pushing from my coach though! Our workout for today went as follows:

For time:
18-15-12-9-6-3 of

Thrusters 65#
Kettle Bell Swings 24kg

The first two I knew were gonna be ruff but Kettle Bell swings at 24kg, I thought "no way in Hell can I do that". But I didnt get to the Kettle Bells fast enough and was stuck with a 24kg.  I was going to share a 16kg with a fellow member BUT Coach insisted we both try the 24kg. He saw us swing it once and said "see you can do it"????? Really?? I had my doubts, but in the end Coach is always right! 
It was tuff, NO not just tuff, BRUTAL!Thrusters as always proved to be very deceiving, I could only do 5 at a time each set. As I got tired Toes-to-bar even started biting me in the a$@ and I could only do 2 or 3 kettle bell swings at a time. Half way through the WOD I thought I might die! But watching my fellow Crossfit peeps chug through it and hearing coach motivate us helped keep me going. I have to say all the torture was well worth the thrill of RXing in the end! :)

I have been waiting for this day since I started with North Country Crossfit 4 months ago! I can see myself progressing, I can do pull ups, I can almost RX a handstand push up, my weights have gradually increased but I could never seem to RX a WOD. FINALLY, I have and it feels AWESOME! I couldn't be prouder. For anyone who has had a first RX, you understand my joy! I cant wipe this smile off my face! :) 
THANKS Coach Ben for the Motivation today! 

Yours Truely, Smiling RXer,

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