Sunday, May 19, 2013

Crossfit injury pervention

Hey everyone, Yes I know its been a few weeks. I have had a busy schedule these past 2 weeks but I am now back on track.

As all you Crossfitters know this weekend is the Crossfit Games Regional competition. Our very own Coach, Meg Kriff, was one of the few selected to go, representing North Country Crossfit. :)
With all the training that goes into the games its a wonder we don't see more injuries. Taking into account that most athletes that are selected to go have an extensive background in Crossfit, what is it, besides good form, that keeps them from injury?
After doing some research I found 3 main things that help keep these athletes in tip top shape. These components can be followed by any athlete, not just Crossfitters!

#1: Rest and Recovery!
 I put this one at the top of my list because for those of us that are die hard's, REST is a concept that doesn't come easy. We have all done it, hit a wall. Where we train so hard, for so long that our bodies just give out. We get fatigued and miserable. Then our form starts to give way and al
l of a sudden... OOPPS!! I pulled a muscle. That wall you hit, its your body telling you to REST! Rest and Recovery actually increases the quality and quantity of training. A rested body is a happy body.  We can only push ourselves so far. Now this isn't giving you all out leeway to stop working out for a month. I am saying, listen to your body. We all need at least a day or two of rest a week.

#2: Nutrition
Yup there it is again. That damn word we all hate! But the funny thing is what we eat plays a major role in how we perform. Do you think those athletes are scarfing down donuts before they hit the box? I dont think so. Most likely they have built a healthy structured food regimen all the way up to leading to the games. Food can have major effects on us. For example, that doughnut we were just talking about, what effect do you think would have on your body if you ate it just before a workout? Truth is while sugar can give you a  dose of energy, it also burns quickly, causing you to feel sluggish later on. Probably wont benefit you during your workout. Eat healthy nutrient dense foods. A rule of thumb I have been following lately is "If it has a shelf life, don't eat it!" I keep my fridge stocked and my fruits on the counter at an arms reach. 

#3: Gradual increase in time and intensity
I highly doubt any of the Crossfit athletes went out in the open and just decided they were gonna kick ass at it and make it to Regional's. There was training involved,  slow and gradual training. Nobody can one day just bust out 20 muscle ups! That takes some practice and strength.More people injure themselves by not being patient enough to slowly work there way up in weight or distance. So my recommendation, have a goal in mind. A realistic goal, and take your time getting there. You wont become an elite athlete overnight.

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