Friday, March 29, 2013


YES!! I lifted more than 3/4 of my body weight!!! NEVER in all my life would I have ever thought I could have done this. My form when lifting it was less than perfect BUT I did it!!! 
Today was the 13.4 workout for the Crossfit Open. It was as follows:

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes
95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps9 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
95 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

So you thought I was scared of 75 lbs, one look at 95 lbs and I was terrified! All day today I had anxiety, I just couldn't get out of my head. I kept thinking "how am I going to lift 95 lbs?". I went North Country Crossfit still feeling like "Wow, I am about to attempt this". Coach Meg and Ben walked up to me and said "You got this Samantha, you have lifted this weight before, just get under it. You can do this". They are right, I have lifted it before but only in a 1 rep max. That's so different from completing it multiple times over and over. Then coach Ben said pointing to my head "Its all in here". YES, that's it...I just needed to remember what I had wrote in my blog last week. Tell that voice in your head to back the frick off....YOU CAN DO IT!  Then I looked around  the box. I saw and heard all the confidence my coaches had in me and I thought "If they say I can do it, I can do it damn it!" I am not going to lie, my first few attempts I struggled. But listening to Coach Meg egg me on and my Crossfit Family screaming in the background, I got it. Once I got one it went slightly smoother, by the end I got 8 reps in. I know that doesn't seem like much considering the above, but for me it is a BIG Confidence booster! 

Today just before starting the 13.4 workout, I for some reason felt the need to yell "There is no CANT in Crossfit!!". There should be no CANT in any part of your life. If you think it, If you dream it, IT CAN be done. The only person holding you back is you! So not only in Crossfit but in everyday life, its your mind that decides your fate. You either fail or succeed based on what you think you can do. But if at first you do not succeed, TRY and TRY again until you do! 

So thank you Coach Meg and Ben for the boost of confidence today! It was much needed and I will carry it through to my next workout! GOOD LUCK all you 13.4 Crossfiters out there! Remember......THERE IS NO CANT IN CROSSFIT!

Truly yours, little Crossfit Beast

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nothing is Cookie Cutter

"It’s important that everyone understands that no recommendation works for everyone" says Paul Noble writer of "eat to perform". .

I agree with this 100%. I have finally completed my 2 week mark of eating Paleo Style. Last week I had a break down and was unsure I could do it any longer. With a few pep talks from my Crossfit family members I stuck it out.
As with anything, eating Paelo Style is not cookie cutter. Elisabeth Akinwale said "I feel like their are the paleo snobs that stand on their high pedestals about being strict paleo, then you have the people that brag about not eating paleo what so ever. Both get under my skin because its not about any one way. Figure out what is right for you." .

I have spent the last 2 weeks finding what works for me. I have for the most part figured it out but I am still tweaking it. Most importantly though I have found that writing EVERYTHING down for me, DOES NOT work! I get to paranoid and I kinda freak myself out. Part of my prior addiction I assume, so I have taken a different approach. I eat the same thing almost everyday with the exception of different dinner meals. I now have a refrigerator stocked full of veggies, fruits and meats. My husband and my son's snack cupboard is far from my reach. :) I also allow myself one glass of wine a week.

I am finally starting to see the difference in my body and mind. I feel stronger and I am sleeping better. Not much difference in my body composition but I am not expecting to see overnight changes. In fact, not to scare any of you ladies out there, but as expected I have gained a few pounds. Keep in mind that this is not a fat gain, its a muscle gain. So I feel better not worse. Weighing 112 lbs I knew I was going to see that weight go up, so I was prepared for this. Also, my face isn't full of acne but I get them every once in a while and it is starting to clear up.

I am actually starting to see that eating Paleo is kinda fun. I have been creative about my dinners and made a few different things. I had a scrumptious stuffed cabbage roll with ground lamb and
cauliflower rice. I also made Portabello mushroom pizzas...mmmmmm just thinking of it makes my mouth water. :) I will leave both these recipes below.

I guess what I have learned thus far from eating Paleo Style is: what works for some, may not work for others. Find your balance! It will take time but you will get there.

Yours Truly, Getting Crossfit Lean

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Portabello Mushroom Pizza (MINUS the cheese :))

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rely on your Crossfit Family

Today, I watched my son roll around on the ground screaming and crying because he couldn't get something he wanted. As I watched him (slightly angry), I thought "Oh dear god, this is me!". I am this little 3 year old screaming and crying about getting myself healthy, while my coaches are trying to reason with me. Most likely they are saying to themselves "If you would just god damn listen to me!" So hear goes, Coach Ben and Coach Meg, you are right.I am going to STOP being the hard headed inner 3 year old child I am, and LISTEN TO MY COACHES! I will not say sorry for last nights blog though, Only because I know most likely people that start eating Paleo Style feel this way, I am just the dumb ass that expresses it out loud. :)

I had a good wake up call today from one of our very own Crossfit family members, Craig De Boos. Craig helped me see that I was looking at this ALL wrong! Its not about competing with someone or for something. Its about making myself all I can be. Its about challenging myself to my fullest potential. Coach Meg said to me tonight, "getting the nice body and lifting better are just a side effect of eating Paleo, but really it comes down to eating healthy for you". She is totally right! If I can just get past 1 week and onto 2 and 3, I will start to feel the benefits of eating Paleo Style! Its getting over that hump. 
Craig also sent me this awesome article: . This is a MUST read for any athlete and ANYONE trying to get into any type of sport, including Crossfit. The first step is getting off your butt and doing it, Once you do that, you are automatically "that guy/girl"! You are one step ahead of that person still sitting on the couch.

Nobody EVER said it was going to be easy, nobody EVER said I would feel great 2 days in, and certainly nobody EVER said it wasn't going to be work. So if you want to play, that's all part of the game. Last nights blog, was a true mental break. I took a day off from Crossfit and was feeling the brunt of eating Paleo. Walking into the box today I realized, I just needed some Crossfit family time.  Even though I know why I am doing Paleo, I just need to hear and see why? I guess for now while I am in the first part of it, I will need Crossfit Family time daily! :) 

So THANK YOU Craig, Coach Meg and Ben, and my other Crossfit family for the pep talks today! It was much needed. To all you readers, LISTEN TO YOUR COACH and rely on those who are going through the exact same thing as you for wise words and wisdom! :)

Yours Truly, "Crossfit Child"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Paleo Defeated: 7 days complete

I feel like right at this moment I am walking into the Confessional to confess a sin... I cheated. I have officially completed 7 days of eating Paleo Style and I cheated.  The weekends proved to be a HUGE challenge for me. This past weekend, with my sister whom I have not seen in 3 months, we watched movies and gossiped. With gossip comes wine, so YES I had wine. Sunday was St. Patricks Day and I enjoyed a nice Irish coffee after eating my corned beef and cabbage. Both wine and Irish Coffee are NOT part of eating Paleo Style. So there you have it, I have sinned. 
I have found a lot of things I like about eating Paleo Style and a few things I do not like about it. 
During the week I find it very simple and easy to follow. I made all my meals ahead of time, I packed my lunches and snacks. I made dinners accordingly. It was easy and I even liked eating the meals. The eating part I can do. Its when I want to sit back and relax. At the end of a long week, I enjoy sitting and reading my book with a cocktail. I am unsure I can give that up. 
Now, how do I feel physically? I felt OK during my workouts. I was extremely bloaty and tired. I know it will take time for my body to get used to. The one thing I did not like about it, is that I found it very difficult to do my runs during the week. Yes I went to Crossfit and did well but I like to run at least twice a week. I simply didn't have the energy. Although most people will tell you "you don't  need to run if your doing Crossfit", I do not agree, but that is for another blog post entirely.
Overall, so far, the experience is different. I miss my homemade granola and chocolate. I have been thinking the past two days as to why I am finding it so difficult? When I trained for my Half Ironman I always ate clean. So why am I having a hard time now? Its because I simply do not have a goal, I am not competing for something. You have to understand that I have VERY good discipline. If I put my mind to it, I can do it. I know this is a little sick and twisted but look at it this way, I was Anorexic for 9 years, I trained my body and mind NOT to eat. I just took that discipline and turned it into a healthy one. For instance, eating clean was a choice that I put my mind to and I have done it for 6 years. Even the cocktails I drank were organic. So what do I need to do to get my mind on eating Paleo Style? 
The answer right now is, I don't know? I want to be all I can be doing Crossfit, but I am not competing with anyone to do so? Its so terrible, I have all of a sudden found out I am a competitive person but now have nothing to compete for.  SO HELP, Help  me keep my Paleo eating going! Give me reason to stay eating this way..................
Can I finish out the next 3 weeks? 

Yours Truly "Paleo defeated"

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Crossfit Mind Games

We all have been through the dilemma of fighting with our minds, "do I, or don't I", "am I good enough", "can I do this", "what will happen if I fail". Ya those dilemma's! Anyone who tells you they haven't is lying. Anyone who has competed in anything can tell you they have. I have done it numerous times in my life, for example, when I competed in my first Half Ironman or when I first walked into the Box. Coach Ben is constantly telling me that I need to "get out of my head". When I cant complete something its all in my mind. 
On March 12th 2013 the 7th annual Crossfit Open began. After a damn good Crossfit WOD one night in February North Country Crossfit posted that registration was open, so 10 minutes later I signed up, then 1 week later I had my doubts. :/
The Crossfit Open began in 2007 when just a few friends decided to get together to see who was the most elite. In total 123 athletes competed that day. Now 2013, the games have grown spreading on to the international level. People across the world complete 5 workouts in 5 weeks and can submit there results for each workout online. In total 60 men and 60 women will be selected to compete in the Crossfit Regionals consisting of 3 days of intense competition. Out of those 120 athletes, 100 will be selected to compete in the Crossfit games, for a 1 million dollar prize purse and the title of fittest on earth.
Sounds pretty awesome right! Of course anyone who is affiliated with Crossfit wants to be a part of this. Seriously though, I have only been a part of Crossfit for a month and a half, am I ready? I felt at this point that I had prematurely signed up without even thinking about what I was getting myself into. When the 13.1 workout was released, I thought "NO WAY in hell can I do this". 13.1 workout was as follows:
17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

 At first glance it doesn't look that bad, but snatches are one of the most technical movements in Crossfit and for anyone who has done a burpee, it doesn't need explaining, we just simply HATE THEM! Before doing my workout I got to watch two other competitors from North Country Crossfit. These two girls are amazing and inspiring to watch, they  made the workout look easy.(Kaylen and Shana) So when I jumped in to do mine, I felt pretty good. I never made it past my 75 pound snatch. In fact I didn't even complete one 75 pound snatch. I spent 11 minutes of my workout trying to complete ONE 75 pound snatch!!! Walking away from that workout and saying I was disappointed with myself was an understatement, I felt defeated. 
When 13.2 workout was released, I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to be judged, I just wanted to skip it all together. 13.2 workout was as follows:

10 minutes of:
75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 20" box

 I looked at 75 pounds and my mind instantly went to the 75 pound snatch I couldn't do. So when I finished my first 75 pound shoulder to overhead, I got pumped!!! Coach egging me on and reminding me to stay focused on the task at hand. I ROCKED the workout! Although it may seem like not many reps to some, I am proud of the 183 reps I completed in 10 minutes. 
What I have come to realize is that my mind takes over my abilities. I know my body can do it, but I have to constantly fight with my mind to tell it I CAN! Also, all too often we don't give ourselves enough credit for what we do. Instead of thinking about how I couldn't get that 75 pound snatch, I should have been proud of myself that I kept trying. I didn't give up in the middle of my workout. If you give it your all you an never be disappointed with yourself. 
I now realize that the Crossfit Open is for ANYONE! It wasn't developed to make you feel like less of an athlete  I think it was developed to show ourselves WE CAN! Crossfit athlete Elizabeth Akinwale said it right "Do it even if you think you're not ready! You will be challenged. You will improve. You will grow from the experience."

So next time your mind is taking over your workout tell it to back the frick off....YOU CAN DO IT!

Yours Truely "Mind boggled Crossfitter"


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Crossfit, a Kids Community too!


People question me all the time, "Why do you do Crossfit?". There are a lot of reasons why, my health, my mind, my body, motivation, etc. The list is endless. But today I want to focus on one particular reason. My child! First and for most I want to say how WONDERFUL North Country Crossfit has been to my son. Even though he is a VERY active 3 year old who tends to run around the gym while we are working out, they never discourage me from brining him along. In fact its quite the opposite, they embrace him with open arms. He sometimes workouts out with us or even streches with us. I LOVE seeing that. I aslo, believe this to be true about all of the Crossfit community. If you want to be a part of something Kid friendly, Crossfit is it.  All across the country Crossfit not only has Adult WOD's but they also have Kid WOD's. I never thought when joining the Crossfit community this would be a part of it. I understand that 5k's and 10k's have family fun runs and kids runs, but the extra benefit that children get from Crossfit can be amazing. It positively impacts the body’s capacity for exercise and lays the foundation for the remaining general physical skills says Cindi Rodi of Crossfit Kids 101. It isnt offered for children yet at North Country Crossfit but I cant wait till it is.
My Son and Coach Bruin!
My son doing some kiddie lifting
 As a mother and a Pre/Post Natal Exercise Specialsit, I am someone who is a true believer in being active to stay healthy. I think my son will only benefit from watching me exercise. I have always said "An active child begins in the womb". If the mother is active, most likely the child will be active. I have been a part of gym's, either they allow children or they dont. If they do, your child is in a daycare far away from where you are working out. Which is fine, if you want peice and quiet (believe me some days I do). But I always wanted my son to see what was going on and watch. As they say "Monkey see, Monkey do". Before I joined Crossfit, I always worked out at home, pushed my stoller on my runs and carried a trailer on my bike rides. I wanted my son to be a part of it. FINALLY, I can take him along with me, where he can see what it is all about.

SO THANK YOU North Country Crossfit and the Crossfit Community for embracing my child into the Crossfit world! :)

Your Truely "Crossfit Momma"


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crossfit Bloopers

This picture most likely represents what I look like during my daily workouts. Although, I feel like the top picture, more likely I am totally rocking the bottom one. 
Since I started Crossfit, I have had a few "bloopers", as I like to call them. Bloopers are the embarrassing but hilarious things that happen to you when you workout. 
I have had a lot of them even before I started Crossfit. Like falling off the bike in my first triathlon, did I mention I didn't even make it out onto the course yet. At my last triathlon, I thought I was a pro at this point. I was getting ready for the race to start and struggling to get my wet suit on. I thought "damn my wet suit has gotten snug". I was working on getting it on for about a half hour when one of the other athletes walked up to me and said "Umm I think your wet suit is inside out".  My response was "Ya I knew that, I was just stretching it out." 

Of course running a race and doing Crossfit are very different. There are a lot of critical moves in Crossfit. Take the all mighty box jumps for instance. If you have done Crossfit you most likely have had the same thought as me when it came to box jumps "You want me, to jump over, that?...You are out of your mind!". My first box jump was anything but pretty. There I was prepping myself for the jump, getting deep in my squat so I could jump SUPER high. ONLY I swong my arms forward for the jump and slammed my knuckles right into the box, gashing my knuckles wide open. That my friends was my first bleed in Crossfit.

Eating Paleo Style or simply eating veggies, GAS is bound to happen. Yes, I mean literal gas that forms in your bowels. There you are getting ready to lift your 1 rep max dead lift, all the while thinking "hold it in, hold it in". Coach behind you saying "You got this!" and your thinking "ya, I gotta fart". Just hold it in till you lift this last weight. Just as you push yourself to lift that heavy weight, it comes out, LOUD and PROUD! 

This one is for ALL you ladies out there who have given birth to a child. Our bladders are just not the same. We can do as many freakin kegals as we want, but getting that bladder back into shape is NEVER going to happen. Our Saturday WOD sessions are large, I think the last one I attended there were approximately 30 members. It was a good one, jump rope while your partner finishes their set of wall push ups, pistol squats and burpees, then switch. Doing this for 20  minutes.  Jump roping and bladders do not mix. I was in my second set with my partner, jump roping away, when all of a sudden it just crept up on me. Full on flood in my pants!!! Now generally, I probably would have hidden myself in the bathroom till everyone left, BUT because Crossfit makes you a little crazy, I found myself tracking down my coach for a spare pair of pants. I put them on and got right back in the game. Nothing stopping me from finishing my WOD including pissing myself. (Thank you coach Meg for being such a sport, I wont blame you if you never wear those pants again)

Now as we tone our bodies, we get leaner. With getting leaner comes muscle. Since I have started Crossfit I  am most likely in the best shape I have ever been. I am proud of it but lets face it our thighs get a little bigger and our butts a little rounder. This happen to me, in just one month of doing Crossfit. One night, I was getting ready to go to a family function. I had my favorite pair of jeans laid out and ready. I struggled a little to get them on but I thought "Damn dryer tightening up my jeans". So I did the little squat down we do, to loosen them a little. When I got half way down I heard "RRRRRIIIIPPPPP". YUP, I busted out my jeans from my crotch all the way down the leg!

Ladies and Gentlemen, My husband does not beat me. The first time my friend saw the bruises on my legs and arms, she swore up and down she would find my husband and give him a piece of her mind. It took me about 20 minutes to calm her down and get the story straight. "No he didn't use the bar to beat me, it hits my legs when I lift", "No these are not whip marks on my legs, its from the damn jump rope because I cant do a double under to save my life", "No this is not rug burn on my arms, its the straps from ring dips". 

So there you have it Everyone, My embarrassing moments of Crossfit, so far. PLEASE share yours below I cant be the only one with Crossfit Bloopers!

Your Truely "Crossfit Clown"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Paleo Style

I am not proud of who I once was. Nine years of my life were consumed with an addiction to Anorexia. At my worst I weighed 89 lbs. Speaking of this is hard for me and honestly I do not talk about it openly, typically only to those close to me but I felt it important for my followers to know because struggles are what make us or break us.Going into Crossfit I knew this struggle would come back to haunt me in some way. Something I am proud of is that I have been in recovery for almost 6 years and although, as with any addiction, it is a daily struggle, it no longer consumes my life. 
So you can imagine my hesitation when the term "Paleo Diet" was introduced.Thinking about food on a daily basis is not what I call an "easy task" for myself but we all know that Crossfitters don't get their physic and abilities just by working out alone, what they consume plays a big role. Since my recovery I have been an avid reader and follower of clean eating. I believe eating natural is good for your body and mind.But I dont allow myself to write down everything I eat or think to much about what I consume.Also, I am 28 years old, I like to have a cocktail or two on the weekends and have Friday night pizza with my family. 
Two weeks ago North Country Crossfit introduced the "Paleo Challenge" to their Crossfit members. My immediate thought is "Do I do it?". I love Crossfit and I want to be all I can be doing it. My ultimate goal is to peak at my performance. Will I be able to do so eating the way I currently am or is it time for a change? Will getting consumed in a diet lead me back down that destructive path of my old addiction?

Let me tell you a little about what the "Paleo Diet" is, but before I do I want you to know I am NOT a nutritionist nor do I plan to ever become one. I am like any other person, I read about things and before North Country Crossfit encouraged any of us to do the Paleo Challenge they made sure to hold a seminar about what it was, what to expect and the do's and dont's of the Paleo Diet. So the following info I am giving you is pulled from different sites and I will be sure to reference that site. 

Paleo Diet is what some people refer to as the "cave man diet".It cconsists mainly of fish, grass-fed pasture raised meats, eggs, vegetables, fruit, fungi, roots, and nuts. All excluded from the Paleo Diet are grains, legumes, dairy products, potatoes, refined salt, refined sugar, processed oils, and alcohol.
That is a VERY short version of what it is, please follow the above site for more info.

At first glance I think "Atkins Diet" but looking into it closer I realize its nothing like that. The difference is that you can eat veggies and fruit.Unlike Atkins, Paleo excludes all dairy products. When I saw this I thought "WHAT? what about my calcium?" But think about this, almost ALL cheeses are processed and when you hear the word processed  think "chemicals". Also, did you know that we are the only animal on the planet that drinks another animals milk?? GROSS!! Plus believe it or not we get enough calcium without milk, read the site I reference below. With the "Paleo Diet" all your fats come from good places like Avocado's, unprocessed  oils and animal meats.

I will not call it "Paleo Diet" from here on out. I find the word "diet" very distracting of what it actually is. To me it is a way of living, a lifestyle. So from here on out I will refer to it as simply eating "Paleo style".:)

After research and discussing it with my coaches, I wanted to try it.I know that if I never try, I will never know what the potential outcome could be, that is why I have decided to do it. Now it was time to convince my husband. So I told him what I know, and after a little bit of whinnying (because how else do us woman get what we want) my husband, hesitantly, agreed to support me on this new journey. 

My Crossfit family has been doing the Paleo challenge for about two weeks now. I have toyed around with it for two weeks, indecisive if I wanted to do it.After long consideration, TODAY marks day one of my 6 week journey into the Paleo world. Last night I found myself in my kitchen,my last glass of wine in hand, prepping all my foods for the week. 

This is what my eating today will look like:

Breakfast- 3eggs with half and avocado, red peppers and 2 slices bacon with a half cup honeydew melon....

Snack 1- cashews,almonds and macadamia nuts and an apple

Lunch- Chicken breast and shrimp on spinach leaves and romaine lettuce with cucumbers, red peppers, extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Also 1 whole sweet potato

Snack 2- baby carrots with almond butter

Dinner- 1/4 pound of hamburger with tomatoes and onions. On the side some Butternut squash.

Keep in mind this is A LOT of food for me. I typically eat smaller portions and A LOT of carbs. My body has always needed carbs for all the cardio I was doing. This is going against all that I am used to. I am excited for this new journey and looking forward to tell you all about the struggles and the outcomes.

I leave you with this, something I live by daily--

"In these bodies we will live, and in these bodies we will die. How you invest your love, is how you invest your life" --Mumford and Sons

Yours Truly living it "Paleo Style"

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The beginning of the obsession

I have always been an avid runner/triathlete. I was always skeptical of the Crossfit world. Mostly because I was afraid of lifting. Honestly I hardly did it, my focus has always been cardio cardio cardio, as a mother it was the only thing I  had time to fit in and I thought that cardio was the most important part of all workouts considering it was the focus of my sprint tri's and running races. But like all things repetitive I got a little bored. I was intrigued by what the people of Crossfit could do. They truly are amazing, the dynamics of Crossfit are interesting. Crossfit is high intensity with numerous functional movements. Your body is getting all it needs for a workout in a short time frame with a fast passed focus. As someone who has been part of the fitness world for many years I worried that the fast passed focus would cause some injuries because your form would  most likely be compromised. Also, the Crossfit world seemed to me almost like a cult. LOL! I know that is a harsh word but it seemed like the people that started doing it got obsessed with doing it. I was curious WHY?  
When North Country Crossfit opened in my town of Plattsburgh NY, I just had to check it out, what have I got to lose, right? Apparently that was an understatement. Before walking into North Country Crossfit I had to pump myself up, I thought "I am going to walk into some muscle head gym with a crap load of equipment I have no idea how to use, what the hell am I doing". When I opened the doors and walked in I was shocked by what I saw. No huge pieces of equipment, no big muscle head guys, no rack of supplements and protein shakes, just a big open space with a rig and some kettle bells. When I was approached by coach Ben, he didn't intimidate me at all. He was obviously in great shape but wasn't steroid huge just simply in awesome shape. I told him my experience and he stated "Anyone can do this and anyone is welcome." I felt excited as he explained what it was about and what it had to offer. When leaving that day the last words out of my mouth were "where do I sign up"! I almost felt like I got bitten by the Crossfit bug right then and there, it has started, I have officially gotten the itch! That night its all I could talk about, I couldn't wait to start in a few days.
Of course my excitement wore a little and the nervousness set in. The great thing is you are required to attend all three of the Crossfit 101 classes before even signing up. So you get a small taste of what you are getting yourself into plus you learn form and movements. So how bad could it be. :/

The first day, I walked in nervous but curious. I left sore but wanting more!!! Obsession set in, I couldn't wait for the next class. This is how I have been ever since starting Crossfit. I have now been doing it for a month and a half. I LOVE IT!  
The best part is that I feel like I have a new group of friends or family. I like to call my Crossfit Family. I have never been a part of something where if you are the last one still chugging along trying to finish your workout, that is when everyone is cheering the loudest encouraging you not to give up! Our group is made up of all different shapes and sizes. All of us working toward the same goal. There are days that I dont feel like doing anything, but the moment I walk in to the gym and see my family getting ready for that days workout my mood changes. 
If you have the chance to even just try Crossfit I highly recommend it to ANYONE! 

Tune in tomorrow, for "Starting the journey of PALEO"

Thanks for reading
Yours Truly "Crossfit Crazed"
Samantha :)