Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crossfit Bloopers

This picture most likely represents what I look like during my daily workouts. Although, I feel like the top picture, more likely I am totally rocking the bottom one. 
Since I started Crossfit, I have had a few "bloopers", as I like to call them. Bloopers are the embarrassing but hilarious things that happen to you when you workout. 
I have had a lot of them even before I started Crossfit. Like falling off the bike in my first triathlon, did I mention I didn't even make it out onto the course yet. At my last triathlon, I thought I was a pro at this point. I was getting ready for the race to start and struggling to get my wet suit on. I thought "damn my wet suit has gotten snug". I was working on getting it on for about a half hour when one of the other athletes walked up to me and said "Umm I think your wet suit is inside out".  My response was "Ya I knew that, I was just stretching it out." 

Of course running a race and doing Crossfit are very different. There are a lot of critical moves in Crossfit. Take the all mighty box jumps for instance. If you have done Crossfit you most likely have had the same thought as me when it came to box jumps "You want me, to jump over, that?...You are out of your mind!". My first box jump was anything but pretty. There I was prepping myself for the jump, getting deep in my squat so I could jump SUPER high. ONLY I swong my arms forward for the jump and slammed my knuckles right into the box, gashing my knuckles wide open. That my friends was my first bleed in Crossfit.

Eating Paleo Style or simply eating veggies, GAS is bound to happen. Yes, I mean literal gas that forms in your bowels. There you are getting ready to lift your 1 rep max dead lift, all the while thinking "hold it in, hold it in". Coach behind you saying "You got this!" and your thinking "ya, I gotta fart". Just hold it in till you lift this last weight. Just as you push yourself to lift that heavy weight, it comes out, LOUD and PROUD! 

This one is for ALL you ladies out there who have given birth to a child. Our bladders are just not the same. We can do as many freakin kegals as we want, but getting that bladder back into shape is NEVER going to happen. Our Saturday WOD sessions are large, I think the last one I attended there were approximately 30 members. It was a good one, jump rope while your partner finishes their set of wall push ups, pistol squats and burpees, then switch. Doing this for 20  minutes.  Jump roping and bladders do not mix. I was in my second set with my partner, jump roping away, when all of a sudden it just crept up on me. Full on flood in my pants!!! Now generally, I probably would have hidden myself in the bathroom till everyone left, BUT because Crossfit makes you a little crazy, I found myself tracking down my coach for a spare pair of pants. I put them on and got right back in the game. Nothing stopping me from finishing my WOD including pissing myself. (Thank you coach Meg for being such a sport, I wont blame you if you never wear those pants again)

Now as we tone our bodies, we get leaner. With getting leaner comes muscle. Since I have started Crossfit I  am most likely in the best shape I have ever been. I am proud of it but lets face it our thighs get a little bigger and our butts a little rounder. This happen to me, in just one month of doing Crossfit. One night, I was getting ready to go to a family function. I had my favorite pair of jeans laid out and ready. I struggled a little to get them on but I thought "Damn dryer tightening up my jeans". So I did the little squat down we do, to loosen them a little. When I got half way down I heard "RRRRRIIIIPPPPP". YUP, I busted out my jeans from my crotch all the way down the leg!

Ladies and Gentlemen, My husband does not beat me. The first time my friend saw the bruises on my legs and arms, she swore up and down she would find my husband and give him a piece of her mind. It took me about 20 minutes to calm her down and get the story straight. "No he didn't use the bar to beat me, it hits my legs when I lift", "No these are not whip marks on my legs, its from the damn jump rope because I cant do a double under to save my life", "No this is not rug burn on my arms, its the straps from ring dips". 

So there you have it Everyone, My embarrassing moments of Crossfit, so far. PLEASE share yours below I cant be the only one with Crossfit Bloopers!

Your Truely "Crossfit Clown"


  1. Am I the only one who read this and nearly killed myself laughing? All to the totally bemused looks of my wife? Thanks for sharing your insights Sam.. they are intelligent, touching and make for a wonderful read...

  2. I love you for your raw candor & blatant honesty! By the way, rumor has it you look as good as you feel during these workouts :)
