Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Paleo Defeated: 7 days complete

I feel like right at this moment I am walking into the Confessional to confess a sin... I cheated. I have officially completed 7 days of eating Paleo Style and I cheated.  The weekends proved to be a HUGE challenge for me. This past weekend, with my sister whom I have not seen in 3 months, we watched movies and gossiped. With gossip comes wine, so YES I had wine. Sunday was St. Patricks Day and I enjoyed a nice Irish coffee after eating my corned beef and cabbage. Both wine and Irish Coffee are NOT part of eating Paleo Style. So there you have it, I have sinned. 
I have found a lot of things I like about eating Paleo Style and a few things I do not like about it. 
During the week I find it very simple and easy to follow. I made all my meals ahead of time, I packed my lunches and snacks. I made dinners accordingly. It was easy and I even liked eating the meals. The eating part I can do. Its when I want to sit back and relax. At the end of a long week, I enjoy sitting and reading my book with a cocktail. I am unsure I can give that up. 
Now, how do I feel physically? I felt OK during my workouts. I was extremely bloaty and tired. I know it will take time for my body to get used to. The one thing I did not like about it, is that I found it very difficult to do my runs during the week. Yes I went to Crossfit and did well but I like to run at least twice a week. I simply didn't have the energy. Although most people will tell you "you don't  need to run if your doing Crossfit", I do not agree, but that is for another blog post entirely.
Overall, so far, the experience is different. I miss my homemade granola and chocolate. I have been thinking the past two days as to why I am finding it so difficult? When I trained for my Half Ironman I always ate clean. So why am I having a hard time now? Its because I simply do not have a goal, I am not competing for something. You have to understand that I have VERY good discipline. If I put my mind to it, I can do it. I know this is a little sick and twisted but look at it this way, I was Anorexic for 9 years, I trained my body and mind NOT to eat. I just took that discipline and turned it into a healthy one. For instance, eating clean was a choice that I put my mind to and I have done it for 6 years. Even the cocktails I drank were organic. So what do I need to do to get my mind on eating Paleo Style? 
The answer right now is, I don't know? I want to be all I can be doing Crossfit, but I am not competing with anyone to do so? Its so terrible, I have all of a sudden found out I am a competitive person but now have nothing to compete for.  SO HELP, Help  me keep my Paleo eating going! Give me reason to stay eating this way..................
Can I finish out the next 3 weeks? 

Yours Truly "Paleo defeated"

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