Sunday, March 10, 2013

The beginning of the obsession

I have always been an avid runner/triathlete. I was always skeptical of the Crossfit world. Mostly because I was afraid of lifting. Honestly I hardly did it, my focus has always been cardio cardio cardio, as a mother it was the only thing I  had time to fit in and I thought that cardio was the most important part of all workouts considering it was the focus of my sprint tri's and running races. But like all things repetitive I got a little bored. I was intrigued by what the people of Crossfit could do. They truly are amazing, the dynamics of Crossfit are interesting. Crossfit is high intensity with numerous functional movements. Your body is getting all it needs for a workout in a short time frame with a fast passed focus. As someone who has been part of the fitness world for many years I worried that the fast passed focus would cause some injuries because your form would  most likely be compromised. Also, the Crossfit world seemed to me almost like a cult. LOL! I know that is a harsh word but it seemed like the people that started doing it got obsessed with doing it. I was curious WHY?  
When North Country Crossfit opened in my town of Plattsburgh NY, I just had to check it out, what have I got to lose, right? Apparently that was an understatement. Before walking into North Country Crossfit I had to pump myself up, I thought "I am going to walk into some muscle head gym with a crap load of equipment I have no idea how to use, what the hell am I doing". When I opened the doors and walked in I was shocked by what I saw. No huge pieces of equipment, no big muscle head guys, no rack of supplements and protein shakes, just a big open space with a rig and some kettle bells. When I was approached by coach Ben, he didn't intimidate me at all. He was obviously in great shape but wasn't steroid huge just simply in awesome shape. I told him my experience and he stated "Anyone can do this and anyone is welcome." I felt excited as he explained what it was about and what it had to offer. When leaving that day the last words out of my mouth were "where do I sign up"! I almost felt like I got bitten by the Crossfit bug right then and there, it has started, I have officially gotten the itch! That night its all I could talk about, I couldn't wait to start in a few days.
Of course my excitement wore a little and the nervousness set in. The great thing is you are required to attend all three of the Crossfit 101 classes before even signing up. So you get a small taste of what you are getting yourself into plus you learn form and movements. So how bad could it be. :/

The first day, I walked in nervous but curious. I left sore but wanting more!!! Obsession set in, I couldn't wait for the next class. This is how I have been ever since starting Crossfit. I have now been doing it for a month and a half. I LOVE IT!  
The best part is that I feel like I have a new group of friends or family. I like to call my Crossfit Family. I have never been a part of something where if you are the last one still chugging along trying to finish your workout, that is when everyone is cheering the loudest encouraging you not to give up! Our group is made up of all different shapes and sizes. All of us working toward the same goal. There are days that I dont feel like doing anything, but the moment I walk in to the gym and see my family getting ready for that days workout my mood changes. 
If you have the chance to even just try Crossfit I highly recommend it to ANYONE! 

Tune in tomorrow, for "Starting the journey of PALEO"

Thanks for reading
Yours Truly "Crossfit Crazed"
Samantha :)

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Samantha! I can feel your energy & enthusiasm in every word. Happy for you to have found a new fitness avenue to travel, but also encouraged by your enhanced circle of friends & family.
