Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nothing is Cookie Cutter

"It’s important that everyone understands that no recommendation works for everyone" says Paul Noble writer of "eat to perform". .

I agree with this 100%. I have finally completed my 2 week mark of eating Paleo Style. Last week I had a break down and was unsure I could do it any longer. With a few pep talks from my Crossfit family members I stuck it out.
As with anything, eating Paelo Style is not cookie cutter. Elisabeth Akinwale said "I feel like their are the paleo snobs that stand on their high pedestals about being strict paleo, then you have the people that brag about not eating paleo what so ever. Both get under my skin because its not about any one way. Figure out what is right for you." .

I have spent the last 2 weeks finding what works for me. I have for the most part figured it out but I am still tweaking it. Most importantly though I have found that writing EVERYTHING down for me, DOES NOT work! I get to paranoid and I kinda freak myself out. Part of my prior addiction I assume, so I have taken a different approach. I eat the same thing almost everyday with the exception of different dinner meals. I now have a refrigerator stocked full of veggies, fruits and meats. My husband and my son's snack cupboard is far from my reach. :) I also allow myself one glass of wine a week.

I am finally starting to see the difference in my body and mind. I feel stronger and I am sleeping better. Not much difference in my body composition but I am not expecting to see overnight changes. In fact, not to scare any of you ladies out there, but as expected I have gained a few pounds. Keep in mind that this is not a fat gain, its a muscle gain. So I feel better not worse. Weighing 112 lbs I knew I was going to see that weight go up, so I was prepared for this. Also, my face isn't full of acne but I get them every once in a while and it is starting to clear up.

I am actually starting to see that eating Paleo is kinda fun. I have been creative about my dinners and made a few different things. I had a scrumptious stuffed cabbage roll with ground lamb and
cauliflower rice. I also made Portabello mushroom pizzas...mmmmmm just thinking of it makes my mouth water. :) I will leave both these recipes below.

I guess what I have learned thus far from eating Paleo Style is: what works for some, may not work for others. Find your balance! It will take time but you will get there.

Yours Truly, Getting Crossfit Lean

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Portabello Mushroom Pizza (MINUS the cheese :))

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