Sunday, March 17, 2013

Crossfit Mind Games

We all have been through the dilemma of fighting with our minds, "do I, or don't I", "am I good enough", "can I do this", "what will happen if I fail". Ya those dilemma's! Anyone who tells you they haven't is lying. Anyone who has competed in anything can tell you they have. I have done it numerous times in my life, for example, when I competed in my first Half Ironman or when I first walked into the Box. Coach Ben is constantly telling me that I need to "get out of my head". When I cant complete something its all in my mind. 
On March 12th 2013 the 7th annual Crossfit Open began. After a damn good Crossfit WOD one night in February North Country Crossfit posted that registration was open, so 10 minutes later I signed up, then 1 week later I had my doubts. :/
The Crossfit Open began in 2007 when just a few friends decided to get together to see who was the most elite. In total 123 athletes competed that day. Now 2013, the games have grown spreading on to the international level. People across the world complete 5 workouts in 5 weeks and can submit there results for each workout online. In total 60 men and 60 women will be selected to compete in the Crossfit Regionals consisting of 3 days of intense competition. Out of those 120 athletes, 100 will be selected to compete in the Crossfit games, for a 1 million dollar prize purse and the title of fittest on earth.
Sounds pretty awesome right! Of course anyone who is affiliated with Crossfit wants to be a part of this. Seriously though, I have only been a part of Crossfit for a month and a half, am I ready? I felt at this point that I had prematurely signed up without even thinking about what I was getting myself into. When the 13.1 workout was released, I thought "NO WAY in hell can I do this". 13.1 workout was as follows:
17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

 At first glance it doesn't look that bad, but snatches are one of the most technical movements in Crossfit and for anyone who has done a burpee, it doesn't need explaining, we just simply HATE THEM! Before doing my workout I got to watch two other competitors from North Country Crossfit. These two girls are amazing and inspiring to watch, they  made the workout look easy.(Kaylen and Shana) So when I jumped in to do mine, I felt pretty good. I never made it past my 75 pound snatch. In fact I didn't even complete one 75 pound snatch. I spent 11 minutes of my workout trying to complete ONE 75 pound snatch!!! Walking away from that workout and saying I was disappointed with myself was an understatement, I felt defeated. 
When 13.2 workout was released, I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to be judged, I just wanted to skip it all together. 13.2 workout was as follows:

10 minutes of:
75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 20" box

 I looked at 75 pounds and my mind instantly went to the 75 pound snatch I couldn't do. So when I finished my first 75 pound shoulder to overhead, I got pumped!!! Coach egging me on and reminding me to stay focused on the task at hand. I ROCKED the workout! Although it may seem like not many reps to some, I am proud of the 183 reps I completed in 10 minutes. 
What I have come to realize is that my mind takes over my abilities. I know my body can do it, but I have to constantly fight with my mind to tell it I CAN! Also, all too often we don't give ourselves enough credit for what we do. Instead of thinking about how I couldn't get that 75 pound snatch, I should have been proud of myself that I kept trying. I didn't give up in the middle of my workout. If you give it your all you an never be disappointed with yourself. 
I now realize that the Crossfit Open is for ANYONE! It wasn't developed to make you feel like less of an athlete  I think it was developed to show ourselves WE CAN! Crossfit athlete Elizabeth Akinwale said it right "Do it even if you think you're not ready! You will be challenged. You will improve. You will grow from the experience."

So next time your mind is taking over your workout tell it to back the frick off....YOU CAN DO IT!

Yours Truely "Mind boggled Crossfitter"


1 comment:

  1. Amen! Congrats on all your progress; physically & mentally. You inspire me. Thank you
